LOTUS WEI | Joy Juice Elixir
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Formulated with a potent combination of flower power to experience Joy, laughter, euphoria, contentment, simplicity, playful, letting your inner child come out, enjoying life more. Reduce seriousness, feeling the weight of responsibilities, worry, overcomplicating things, repressing your inner child.
How to Use: Add 5 drops sublingually 5 times each day regularly until bottle is finished; or put a dropperful in your water bottle each morning and drink throughout the day.
*African Daisy - Playfulness, clarification of life's path
*Birdsfoot Lotus - Happiness, content, ease, worry-free
*Chocolate Flower - Cheerfulness, simplest path instead of complication
*Pink Spirea - Light-heartedness, bringing inner child out to play
*Pink Lotus - wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding
GEMSTONE - Red garnet - joyful strength, energy
Flower essences of Spiraea tomentosa (Pink Spirea), Lotus corniculatus (Birdsfoot Lotus), Berlandiera lyrata (Chocolate Flower), Osteospermum ecklonis (African Daisy), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus), and gem essence of Red Garnet in pure water, *grape alcohol, and ethically sourced blackberry honey from the Pacific Northwest US (For adults & children over 1 year). *Certified Organic. Excellent for children.